Free Demo Class
Deputy Collector
I would highly recommend Reliable Academy to anyone preparing for competitive exams! The personalized guidance and attention given by the faculty set them apart. The mentors were always approachable, providing tailored advice and insights for each student. Reliable Academy’s dedication to student success is truly remarkable!
Tax Assistant
Reliable Academy’s expertise and exam-oriented teaching methods made all the difference in my journey to becoming a Tax Assistant. It’s the best choice for anyone aiming to clear competitive exams.
FCI Assistant Grade Phase III
Their clear guidance and excellent study materials truly set me up for success. Reliable Academy’s teaching style is focused, engaging, and exam-oriented. The support I received here made all the difference. It’s the best choice for anyone aiming to clear competitive exams.
UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission.
UPSC is the Central Agency which recruits candidates into various services like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) etc.
Civil Services are jobs like IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, etc. directly related to public service and are widely considered prestigious in India. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts Civil Service Exams for Central Government job vacancies.
The full form of IAS is Indian Administrative Service
The full form of IPS is Indian Police Service
The full form of IFS is Indian Foreign Service
The full form of IRS is Indian Revenue Service
The UPSC Examination that is Preliminary Exam are conducted in June and Mains are conducted in September.
Copyright - 2025. Reliable Academy Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved.
डॉ. प्रताप दिघावकर सर: माजी IPS, MPSC सदस्य I ७व्या स्पर्धा परीक्षा संमेलन
Jyoti Kamble - Deputy collector (उपजिल्हाधिकारी) I Reliable MPSC
Vikas Kukade शिक्षणाधिकारी, महाराष्ट्र शिक्षण सेवा, गट-अ
Deepa Jedhe - Deputy collector (उपजिल्हाधिकारी) 2022 I Reliable MPSC
७व्या स्पर्धा परीक्षा संमेलन हायलाइट्स I Reliable MPSC
हॅलो सह्याद्री स्पर्धा परीक्षा मुलाखत LIVE By . Manohar Patil Sir & Sandip Patil Sir
Manisha Kamble (Exc.Sub. Insp - 2018) SUCCESS STORY RELIABLE
Dr. Amol Kolhe Sir - Motivational Speech for All Students &
Dr. Ravindra Shisve Sir (IPS ,Add.commissioner of Police ,Mu
Zee 24taas Interview - Reliable Academy
Guidance By dep commissioner of education department Mr. ZAM
Guidance from Mr. Eknath Patil (TATYA) Ex- Sales tax Officer
Inspirational word from Additional Commissioner of Police SB
Inspirational word from Vice-Chancellor MARATHWADA KRISHI VI
Meena Tupe Madam First Sword of Honour Lady guidance lecture
Meena Tupe Madam First Sword of Honour Lady guidance lecture
Inspirational guidance from Pranjal Patil Motivating Student
MPSC- 6th Competitive Exam Guidance Seminar 2018 by Reliable
DC- Swati Desai mock interview With DCP Mahesh Chimte Sir,Ma
DC- Vasima Shaikh mock interview With DCP Mahesh Chimte Sir,
राज्य आणि त्यांच्या राजधानी - श्री. संदीप पाटील सर
Deepa Jedhe
Deputy Collector
I would highly recommend Reliable Academy to anyone preparing for competitive exams! The personalized guidance and attention given by the faculty set them apart. The mentors were always approachable, providing tailored advice and insights for each student. Reliable Academy’s dedication to student success is truly remarkable!
ऋतिका कडू
रिलायबल अकॅडेमीने मला तलाठी परीक्षेत यश मिळवण्यासाठी खूप मोलाचे योगदान दिले आहे. इथले शिक्षक प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला वैयक्तिक मार्गदर्शन देतात, त्यांच्या शंका समजून घेतात, आणि योग्य पद्धतीने विषय समजावून सांगतात. नियमित टेस्ट सिरीज, सराव पेपर्स, तसेच तज्ञांचे मार्गदर्शन यामुळे माझ्या तयारीला खूपच फायदा झाला. रिलायबल अकॅडेमीने मला योग्य दिशा दाखवली, ज्यामुळे माझे स्वप्न साकार झाले.
Ananda Bansode
Tax Assistant
Reliable Academy’s expertise and exam-oriented teaching methods made all the difference in my journey to becoming a Tax Assistant. It’s the best choice for anyone aiming to clear competitive exams.
Saurabh Mirza
FCI Assistant Grade Phase III
Their clear guidance and excellent study materials truly set me up for success. Reliable Academy’s teaching style is focused, engaging, and exam-oriented. The support I received here made all the difference. It’s the best choice for anyone aiming to clear competitive exams.
Shital Chavan
Municipal Council State Service Council Tax Assessment
From day one, Reliable Academy impressed me with their professionalism, dedication, and deep understanding of the exam process. Their teaching staff is well-versed in every subject area, offering insights and strategies that go beyond the basics and delve into effective ways to approach complex questions. The mock tests and practice sessions simulate the actual exam environment, which helped me build the confidence I needed to face my exams. Reliable Academy’s unique combination of quality teaching, personal attention, and commitment to student success makes it one of the best academies out there for government exam preparation.
Hitesh Vekhande
Administration Trainee PNB
My experience at Reliable Academy has been exceptional. Their curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of competitive exams, covering each subject in-depth. The academy also provides regular assessment tests, which helped me understand where I needed to focus my efforts and improve. Thanks to Reliable Academy, I cleared the Municipal Council State Service Council Tax Assessment exam with confidence, knowing I had been thoroughly prepared every step of the way.
Dhanraj Koli
Police Sub-Inspector
All Topic doubts are covered by best teaching who also takes compulsory revision After class which increase the study and analysis a. Maintained disciplined Take offline paper. Every sunday. Notes are very useful.
Akshay Chavan
Police Sub-Inspector (PSI)
Best academy for MPSC students. Provides Excellent experienced teachers, a good healthy competitive environment for study by taking daily tests, daily revision and doubt solving. Overall completely excellent academy.
Neha Hande
Police Sub-Inspector (PSI)
This is best coaching in all over maharashtra. Every day doubt clearing section conducted by best faculties.They provides best study materials.
Sagar Malave
RBI Asst.
Superb teaching faculty, always supportive.Every time they motivate us to achieve the dreams that we have.Excellent learning experience.
सुवर्णा वाळके पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक कल्याण बॅचची विद्यार्थिनी पदवीधर झाल्यानंतर अधिकारी व्हावं असे स्वप्न उराशी बाळगलेल्या प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्यांला योग्य मार्गदर्शनाची गरज असते माझ्या क्लासमेटकडून मिळालेल्या माहिती च्या आधारे मी रिलायबल ऍकॅडमीमध्ये प्रवेश घेतला तसे अभ्यासाचं नियोजन वेळेत होणारे लेक्चर्स योग्य सराव पेपर व त्यांचे आकलन वैयक्तिक समुपदेशन .जवळपास दहा ते बारा पूर्व मुख्य सराव पेपर्स .या सर्व बाबींवर सातत्याने लक्ष्य ठेवून असणारे पाटील सर व सर्व प्राध्यापक वृंद यामुळे माझे यश हे सहज आणि सुकर मिळाले आणि मला पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक हे पद मिळाले सध्या मी हिंगोली येथे Probationary पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक आहे ...
Kartiki Waghmare
The Staff is experienced. study tracker is very useful for student through study tracker any student track their study easily. The atmosphere around here is friendly. All Teachers are supportive.
अनिल घायवट पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक कल्याण बॅच पदवीधर झाल्यानंतर विविध खासगी क्षेत्रामध्ये काम केल्यानंतर सरकारी नोकरीचा महत्त्व कल्याण समजले कल्याणचा व तयारी करण्यासाठी रिलायबल ऍकॅडमीमध्ये प्रवेश घेतला आणि विविध उपक्रमांच्या माध्यमातून आपला अभ्यास अगदी सहज पेस्ट करून घेतला जातो असे ते असं विद्यार्थांना त्यांच्या अडचणी समजून उर्वरित राज्यातील समजून घेऊन त्या सोडवल्या जातात पूर्व मुख्य व शारीरिक क्षमतांची उत्तम तयारी करून घेतली जाते . माझ्या मते रिलायबल अॅकॅडमी म्हणजेच उत्तम यश असे समीकरण मुंबई व मुंबई परिसरातील विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी झाले आहे त्यामुळे मान्य मनोहर पाटील सर व सर्व रिलायबल टीमचे मनापासून धन्यवाद
Nishikant Patil
Reliable Academy gives credence for students future Teaching techniques are amazing. Best coaching classes for competetative exams. They provide Extra material regrading studies like mock test, Books. Thank you for helping, supporting & teaching me.
योगिता भांडे कल्याण बॅचची विद्यार्थिनी सध्या पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक या पदाचे प्रशिक्षण नाशिक महिला पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक होणे हे एक खूप मोठी आव्हानात्मक बाब होती माझ्या कुटुंबातील किंवा किंवा नातेवाईकांमध्ये पाेलिस प्रशासनात कोणीही कार्य करत नव्हते आणि त्यामुळे मला पोलीस प्रशासनात जाण्याची इच्छा झाली परंतु याकरिता योग्य मार्गदर्शन आणि कमी वेळात पोस्ट मिळवणे गरजेचे होते आणि ते ध्येय गाठण्यासाठी रिलायबल ऍकॅडमीमध्ये प्रवेश घेतल्यापासून अतिशय नियोजनबद्ध पध्दतीने माझा प्रवास सुरू झाला पूर्व मुख्य आणि शारीरिक चाचणी शारीरिक क्षमता चाचणी यासाठी मान्य मनोहर पाटील सर व टीम रिलायबल मोलाचे मार्गदर्शन मिळाले त्यामुळे स्वप्नवत वाटणारी पोस्ट मला अतिशय कमी वेळात मिळाली माझ्या या यशामुळे मी अनेक मुलींना असे आवाहन करतो की त्यांनी पोलीस प्रशासनात यावे याकरिता रिलायबल अॅकॅडमी ही मुंबईतील सर्वात बेस्ट अॅकॅडमी आहे
Akshay Paikrao
LIC Asst.
The material provided for studies is on point and updated. Students can easily indulge with 247 available expertise and helpful faculty of reliable academy.
Rahul Sasane
राहूल ससाणे पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक खासगी क्षेत्रात नोकरी करत असताना महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत घेतल्या जाणाऱ्या विविध परीक्षांची तयारी करावी व त्यामधून त्या माध्यमातून अधिकारी व्हावे असे वाटत होते परंतु या माझ्या स्वप्नांना योग्य बळ देण्यासाठी योग्य मार्गदर्शनाची गरज होती आणि ती गरज रिलायबल अॅकॅडमीला प्रवेश घेतल्या बरोबर योग्य मार्गदर्शनाच्या माध्यमातून पूर्ण झाली व माझ्या अभ्यासाला परीक्षा परीक्षाभिमुख दिशा मिळाली त्यामुळे मुख्य पूर्व आणि मुख्य परीक्षेचे सखोल मार्गदर्शन मिळाले यामुळेच माझी ड्रीम पोस्ट पीएसआय ही मिळाली त्यामुळे मान्य मनोहर पाटील सर व सर्व प्राध्यापकवर्ग चे मनापासून धन्यवाद
Vishal Rathod
LIC Asst.
Reliable is awesome in teaching Class is very supportive As well as class provide study tracker for all student. The class tests are on time and accurate.
आनंद यशवंते पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक लहानपणापासून आपल्या अंगावर खाकी वर्दी असावी असे माझे स्वप्न होते पदवीधर झाल्यावर योग्य मार्गदर्शनाच्या माध्यमातून मला ध्येय गाठायचे होते माझे हे ध्येय गाठण्यासाठी रिलायबल अॅकॅडमी ने मला मोलाचे मार्गदर्शन केले यामध्ये प्रामुख्याने पूर्व आणि मुख्य परीक्षा सराव पेपर अतिशय उत्तम आहेत त्यामुळे मला माझी पोस्ट मिळवता आली आज मी पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक या पदाचे नाशिक येथील पोलिस अकादमीमध्ये प्रशिक्षण घेत आहे So reliable academy is best
The faculty has firm hold over the subjects and makes it easy to understand the students. Well planned and cooperative approach for students doubt solving and improvements. Test series provided by the academy is very helpful.
Reliable Academy is best classes for competitive exams. As well as notes of the academy are good and easy to understand. Academy provides all what we need for study and they make all the possible efforts to make the us successful.
दामिनी ननावरे पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक परभणी बॅच Impossible worlds says that i am possible परभणीसारख्या ग्रामीण क्षेत्रामधील मुली महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगा च्या माध्यमातून होणाऱ्या परीक्षा देऊन त्या माध्यमातून अधिकारी होण्याचे स्वप्न बघणाऱ्या पैकी मी एक होते .दोन हजार सतरा अठरा च्या रिलायबल अॅकॅडमीच्या बॅचमध्ये प्रवेश घेतल्यानंतर अॅकॅडमीचं महत्त्व तुम्हाला पहिल्या दिवसापासून समजले नियोजनबद्ध अभ्यास वेळेवर होणाऱ्या सराव परीक्षा त्या सराव परीक्षांचं केले जाणारे आकलन वैयक्तिक समुपदेशन यामुळे आपली आपली पोस्ट यासाठी लागणारा वेळ कमी होतो हे रिलायबल अॅकॅडमीचं एक महत्त्वाचे वैशिष्ट्य आहे त्यामुळे परभणी सारख्या ग्रामीण भागात अभ्यास करून मला ही पोस्ट मिळवता आली माझ्या यशामध्ये आईवडील व माननीय मनोहर पाटील सर व टीम रिलायबल चा सिंहाचा वाटा आहे
Rachael Lobo
Experienced and Supportive teaching faculty. Regular test series are conducted. You feel like attending the lecture. when it comes to our career, we always need someone trustworthy who will guide us to achieve our target. Helping students with their best.
Perfect place to Get Guidance for cracking Competitive exams.Ample amount of test series for practice. Daily revision of banking awareness. Regular conducting exams All teachers are support and well knowledgeable. Supportive faculty. You feel like attending the lecture.
Reliable academy is not only a trustworthy but also a one stop academy where you will get guidance related to banking and other government exams.
It is an amazing experience to be a part of Reliable Academy.
This is the bestest class in Maharashtra.All the teachers are highly qualified. Personal attention on each and every student by teachers as well as founder withTopic wise and full length test series based on commission. I gained knowledge of how to remember the proper study.
Perfect Guidance for Freshers supportive Professors. Test series are always Very useful. Perfect Career Growing Class.Topic wise revision is also done in best way. Teaching faculty is best. Personal attention is also given to the students.
Excellent classes for competative exams proper guidance and Not only at time of admission they give you attention after the admission also personal attention is also given to the students.Joining reliable academy was a wonderful experience.
All faculty are experience Faculty. Personal guidance given, Thank you so much team reliable academy.
Teaching and non teaching staff are so supportive and helpful 24*7. Personal attention on each and every student by teachers as well as founder. I hugely recommend this academy to all the Civil services, banking and other competitive exam.
SBI Clerk
I have completed my Bank exam preparation course from RELIABLE ACADEMY, I want to thank whole RELIABLE ACADEMY team for making my carrier in BANK. RELIABLE ACADEMY made My Journey very easy from a simple graduate student to an officer. I want to thank Manohar Patil Sir and Shishir Ranjan Sir for making My Soft skills more effective. I also want to thanks TEAM RELIABLE who conducted My Interview gave me the right opportunity for My Career. They Deserves Appreciation for their Kind Behavior with us. Because of RELIABLE ACADEMY I Got job in State Bank of India as Clerk.
BANK OF INDIA Specialist Officer
Hope you are doing good. As you know, I have joined RELIABLE ACADEMY. I got selected in BANK OF INDIA as a Specialist Officer. I thank RELIABLE ACADEMY for all the support and encouragement. My overall experience with RELIABLE ACADEMY has been really nice. The faculty has always been very supportive and understanding. I also would like to thank Shishir Sir for his excellent teaching skills and guidance.
Saraswar Bank Officer
My whole experience at RELIABLE ACADEMY since my first day till today was good. Our Director Manohar Patil Sir was always there for us regarding any query or problem. Later on Sandip Sir and Rohit Sir also help us for development of my career. Our councellor Mrs. Nandini Mam is one of the best councilor I have ever met. Overall my experience was good and with my efforts along with RELIABLE ACADEMY guidance I am able to get JOB in SARASWAT BANK as a Junior OFFICER
‘Thanks a lot TEAM RELIABLE’
SBI Clerk
My name is Shailesh Thorat. I recently got placed in State Bank of India as a clerk. I am Thankful to our RELIABLE ACADEMY faculty for build my career and all faculty member of RELIABLE ACADEMY. I am very thankful to all team for shaping my career in govt. sector.
I am Prasad Hatim. And I got selected in SBI as Clerk. I am really very thankful for giving me wings to touch the sky. The Faculty and Management staff is very co-operative and always ready to help. I specially thank to Manohar Patil Sir, my faculty for guiding me. And thanks to the all management and teaching faculty, Sandip Sir, Shishir Sir, Rohit Jadhav Sir, Mahesh Shukla Sir, Khusboo Mam, and last but not least our councellor Mrs. Nandini Mam. Thank you very much.
प्रियंका मालुसरे - TAX ASSISTANT
महाराष्टात मुलीं मध्ये १३वी (Open) प्रवर्गात
मी प्रियंका मालुसरे, माझी निवड कर सहायक पदासाठी झाली आहे. याचा आनंद साजरा करत असतांना मला आयुष्यात अजून काही तरी करण्याची इच्छा निर्माण झाली आहे. “जे करायचे ते सर्वोत्तम” हे शब्द आमच्या मनावर बिंबवले ते Reliable Academy ने आणि याची सुरुवात अकॅडमीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांनी केली आहे. माझे हे यश या योग्य व अचूक मार्गदर्शनामुळेच मिळाले आहे. तरी या ठिकाणी एक बाब नमूद करीते की, योग्य मार्गदर्शन म्हणजेच Reliable Academy होय. माझ्या यशाचे संपूर्ण श्रेय आई-वडील व Reliable Academy ला देते.
आरती चव्हाण - STI
महाराष्ट्र राज्यामध्ये मुलींमध्ये ४ था क्रमांक(ST) प्रवर्ग
विद्यार्थी मित्रांनो, मी राज्य विक्रीकर निरीक्षक (STI) २०१७ या परीक्षेमध्ये महाराष्ट्र राज्यामध्ये मुलींमध्ये चौथा क्रमांक (एस.टी. प्रवर्ग) ने उत्तीर्ण झाले आहे. मी माझ्या आयुष्यातील अतिशय आनंदाचे क्षण आता अनुभवत आहे. परंतु साधारण दोन वर्षांपूर्वी मी स्पर्धा परीक्षांचे अभ्यास करावयास सुरुवात केली. यासाठी ‘Reliable Academy, Kalyan’ मध्ये प्रवेश घेतला, मार्गदर्शन वर्ग रिलायबलमध्ये जसे सुरु झाले तसे स्पर्धा परिक्षा विश्वाबद्दल अधिक माहिती मिळू लागली. व या परीक्षामध्ये यशस्वी कसे व्हायचे? यांचे उत्तम मार्गदर्शन मला क्लासचे संचालक मा. मनोहर पाटील सर, संदीप पाटील सर व इतर प्राध्यापकाकडून मिळाले. Reliable Academy मध्ये होणाऱ्या सराव चाचण्या विद्यार्ध्याकडून करूनघेतली जाणारी मेहनत यामुळे मला हे यश प्राप्त झाले आहे. माझ्या यशाचे श्रेय संपूर्णपणे माझे आई-वडील व Reliable Academy च्या टीमला देते.
Nikhil Sagar
Vijaya Bank ( Assist Manager )
My experience in Reliable Academy was very enriching and helpful. I attended the Bank Course that Reliable Academy offers. I got selected in the Vijaya Bank as Assistant Manager. The faculty members are very efficient and co-operative and guided us in a brilliant manner. I am very thankful to Reliable Academy, which is the best coaching institute for Bank PO/ Bank Clerical exams, for helping me in my journey towards success.
Ratish Ingole
Bank of Maharashtra ( Probationary Officer )
Extending my heartfelt gratitude to Reliable Academy who was the backbone of my success where i completed the course. Faculties are very good and guided me throughout. The Interview Guidance programme was excellent which aided to crack the final interview. Overall very happy to be part of Reliable Academy.
ECGC (Probationary Officer)
Best Class for the candidates pursuing Any Competitive Exams. Extensive efforts are taken by arranging Mock Exams , GD , Mock Interviews and various other interactive sessions for candidates. All the faculties and non teaching staff are very helpful and cooperative. I have cleared various exams & today working in Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited (ECGC) as Probationary Officer.
CANARA BANK (Probationary Officer)
Reliable Academy is a institute where we can gain confidence to expose ourselves to the competitive world. It lays a path for our blossoming career. Thanks to Reliable Academy for providing the very good communication environment.
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